Previous litters
Click on a litter's name to access its page and view all infos.

J1 Litter -April 26, 2014
Hekla de l'Eperon x Troy av Folgefonn

Jet Black Rapunzel, Jafar, Jasputina, Jasper the Vampire de l'Eperon

I4 Litter - September 12, 2013
Hekla de l'Eperon x Feragen des Iles Lofoten
chatons norvegiens lyon marseille
Isblomma, Iliade, Innamoramento, Icare, Iqaluit, Ipanema de l'Eperon

I3 Litter- July 16, 2013
Quiroga Jakobusland x IC Geirrod de l'Eperon
inca de l'eperon
Izapa, Islamorada, Itza, Inca de l'Eperon

I2 Litter - May 27, 2013
Freya de Laïloken x CH Murphy MacManus av Verden

Icy Eerie Willow, Icy Cold Stardust, Icy Moonlit Sky, Icy Dark Hollow, Icy Night's Queen, Icy Winter's Tale de l'Eperon

I1 Litter- March 25, 2013
Lil'Lotus av Verden x IC Geirrod de l'Eperon

Ice & Fire Daenerys, Ice & Fire Arya Stark, Ice & Fire Khal Drogo, Ice & Fire Jon Snow

H2 Litter - August 31 2012
Freya de Laïloken x Geirrod de l'Eperon

norvegiens brown tabby
Hot Patootie, Hokus Pokus, Halloween Pumpkin, Hard Rock Hallelujah

H1 Litter - July 28 2012
Quiroga Jakobusland x Geirrod de l'Eperon

Hymir, Hyrrokkin, Holda, Hermod, Hrimfaxi, Hekla, Häxan

G2 Litter - 16 October 2011
Freya de Lailoken x Murphy Mac Manus av Verden

Gjallarhorn, Geirrod, Gimnir, Gersimi

G1 Litter - 4. July 2011
Lil'Lotus av Verden x Lux Felina Oxyporus

Gullfaxi, Greyfell, Gudrun, Gyllir


Eperon Cattery
Alexandra Besson
26290 Donzère, France
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